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Part subscription

Your choice of the AMLCC features

You have the option to select one or more of these individual features of the platform, so that your existing AML can benefit from some additional support to ensure you’re fully compliant

Business-wide and secondary business risk assessments

Evidence that your business has considered all the AML risks that it faces.

Read relevant guidance and possible mitigation steps.
Easily explain how recognised risks have been mitigated and reduce a risk’s status to ‘risk mitigated ’where appropriate.
Receive a downloadable risk status report using AMLCC’s comprehensive algorithm.
Break the risks down further by service line, department or location to dig deeper into potential risks.

AML policies, controls and procedures (PCPs)

Build your AML steps and processes from the fully customisable, comprehensive AMLCC framework and content.

Easily update and edit your policy document at any time.
Seek and record senior management approval.
Share it with your team and record their understanding and acknowledgement.

It’s fundamental that your business has considered the risks it faces in the business-wide risk assessment prior to constructing its PCP document.

Online AML training

Access specific training for your sector, alongside core AML training for your overall team and dedicated training for your MLRO and senior management.

AMLCC will monitor when training has been performed and whether individuals have passed the assessments at the end of each training module.
Download individual certificates at any time.
Each relevant member of your staff can complete their AML training when they choose, from their desk or at home.

Primary and secondary client risk assessments

Evidence that your business has considered all the AML that its clients present.

Read relevant guidance and possible mitigation steps.
Easily explain how recognised risks have been mitigated and reduce a risk’s status to ‘risk mitigated ’where appropriate.
Receive a downloadable risk status report for each client using AMLCC’s comprehensive algorithm.
Break the risks down further by transaction or assignment to dig deeper into potential risks.

Client risk assessments also connect to other areas of the AMLCC platform.

If you also subscribe to the business risk assessments, risks from each client risk assessment will be accumulated and accessible from the business-wide risk assessment, to greatly improve the visibility of the risk presented to your business.
A comprehensive internal SAR reporting portal (which mimics the NCA’s) is accessible from each client details section.
Add additional staff to carry out and manage client risk assessments and have a full audit trail of each risk assessment history.

CDD electronic search options and document management

Verify your client’s identity from their digital footprint and use biometrics to confirm they hold the identity they claim.

Check and then monitor your clients for PEP status and sanctions lists.

Additional staff / DMLRO

With any annual custom subscription feature you will automatically have access for your MLRO and up to 3 members of staff. Please select how many additional staff you would like to add to access the custom features such as training or client risk assessments.

You can also add additional MLROs as required.

With any annual custom subscription feature you will have access for your MLRO and up to 3 members of staff. You can also select how many additional staff you would like to add to access the custom features such as training or client risk assessments.

You can add additional MLROs as required.

Please note there is an annual administration fee of £50 plus VAT per account for any part subscription.

Features you can select are:

Business wide and secondary business risk assessments
AML policies, controls and procedures
Online AML training
Client risk assessments – primary and secondary
CDD electronic search options and document management
Identity validation
Biometric ID verification
Sanction / PEPs/ Persons of special interest and UK disqualified directors with continuous monitoring
training icon


Internal SAR portal icon

Internal SAR Portal

Live dashboard icon

Live Dashboard

Business Risk Assessment icon

Business Risk Assessments

Id Verification

ID Verification

Id Verification

PEP and Sanctions Checks

Client Linking icon

Client Linking

Supervisor-ready Reports icon

Supervisor-ready Reports

Reusable Client Profiles icon

Reusable Client Profiles

Client Risk Assessments icon

Client Risk Assessments

AML Policy

AML Policy

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